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Acts 2:42-47 portrays the early church as a vibrant and selfless community. The believers were deeply committed to the apostles' teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer, demonstrating their dedication to learning and practicing their faith within a supportive community. The miracles and wonders performed by the apostles filled everyone with awe, reinforcing their faith and sense of unity. The believers shared all their possessions and sold property to provide for those in need, showcasing profound generosity and communal support. They met daily in the temple and in their homes, breaking bread with joy and sincerity, which fostered a deep sense of unity and gratitude. This devotion and positive witness led to daily growth in their numbers as more people joined their community of faith. This passage illustrates how a united and devoted community can reflect God's love and grace, leading to both spiritual growth and tangible care for one another.
In RLCC, we believe in the power of communities. This is the reason why we coined the term "communityship". This word refers to the process of building a community through the word of God (the Gospel), the Spirit of God, and the people of God. Our communities are medium-sized groups bonded together either by gender, age, affinity, or location. Our small groups are also found in these communities. If you have been attending our Sunday Worship Celebration, it would be good to join a community to get to know people who are just like you or who live in the same location as you. Our goal is to see our communities live out the vision and values of Acts 2:42-47.
Do you want to be a member of more than one community?
Sometimes you want to belong to more than one community.